Download the files for the OMP analysis
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OMP 2 code (all MATLAB > 5.0)
11. Dec. 2013:
Fixed NNLS incompatibility with all versions >6
14. Dec. 2005:
Fixed NNLS incompatibility with version 6
Put a more robust data selection criterium
Added new contour_bio.m to display results
from 'extended OMP analysis' runs
Revision of contour2 routine to handle NaN data
New testcase for extended OMP analysis application in 'incontr3.m'
New 'testdata' set
11. Jan. 2005: Gap are now indicated through NaN (Not a number) rather than a -9 to allow to incorporate negative
value in the analysis (useful for oxygen isotope data analysis)
30. Sept. 2004: Added switch to use either NNLS.M or LSQNONNEG.M (upward compatible with Matlab > 6.5).
05. Dec. 2000: bug in improvement from 4. May 2000 corrected.
04. May 2000: changed some limitations about upper and lower boundaries in the files.
The new version should allow the user to select a data range to be analysed as he want
eg. density range or/and oxygen range. The variables uplimit and lolimit (indicating
pressure limits for the analysis) are removed and a new variable "selection" is
25. Jan. 2000: changes in OMP2.M, OMP2INT.M etc to avoid error messages
due to new MATLAB release. Included potential density in standard output.
03. Dec. 1999: again def_sources.m changed
26. Oct. 1999: changed def_sources.m again (problem with gap variable)
20. Oct. 1999: changed def_sources.m and include source region data set (sources_data.mat) -> uptdated *.tar.gz and *.zip
22 Jul. 1999: New release OMP 2 added
09 Mar. 1999: Some minor changes in the README.* file
09 Mar. 1999: File testdata.mat coverted to be MATLAB 4.2 readable
16 Oct. 1998: Added nansum.m script
07 Sept. 1998: First release.